Welcome to 2025 | Business Update

Welcome to 2025, I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas period.

2025 brings with it the start of an exciting new chapter for GL Financial Planning.
As of the 6th of January, Sam is now a licenced Financial Adviser meaning that you will all start to see and hear more from him as we begin shifting into a dynamic & collaborative model of helping our clients.

What does that mean for you? I will continue to be your adviser, catching up with you all for your review appointments as usual. I love hearing how you are going, how the kids are, what holidays you have planned, what new car you have your eye on and what the new bathroom renovations you have planned will look like.

The intention of this structural change is to future proof your relationship with GL Financial Planning. Whilst I still see myself carrying on as I am today for another 10 years, you and Sam getting to know each other means that even in my absence, you will have another trusted adviser that knows you inside and out that is able to help you achieve your goals long into the future.

The best way to build these relationships is face to face. As such, moving forward, you may start to see Sam and I in review appointments over the next 12 months.

In other news, it saddens us to let you know that with the completion of his professional year, Noah Langerak will be moving on to join another financial planning practice in Melbourne. Having started on the front desk at the end of 2022, he has graduated through the practice seamlessly. Whilst this is an exciting time for Noah, we will miss him around the office in the associate adviser roll that he has completed so well.

However, as one journey ends, another one begins. We would formally like to welcome Hugh to the GLFP team as he takes over from Nathan whom will commence his professional year in Noah’s position from the end of January. You will hear more from Hugh on our social media so please feel free to follow us on Instagram to stay up to date with the day to day of GLFP.

GL Financial Planning puts the needs of our clients at the forefront of everything we do, this restructure is no different. We invite all feedback on how we are going as honesty is always the best way for us to improve our business for all clients across the board.

If you have any questions, as always, do not hesitate to reach out for a chat. I am really excited about the future of GLFP with Sam stepping into his new role as an adviser which has brought me so many great experiences and friendships over the last 35+ years.

Shane Coutts


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